Bladderworts (Utricularia)

These tiny carnivores have tiny bladder-like traps underground which trap miniscule critters. Keep these species quite moist, and flood them once a week or so. They can be grown under lights, on a windowsill, in a terrarium, or in a bog garden if the species is hardy. They grow well at the feet of pitcher plants. Refer to another carnivorous plant care sheet (Sarracenia or Venus flytrap) for general information regarding water and soil mixes.

Utricularia subulata is quite hardy and is native to much of the world. Tiny bright yellow flowers carpet the soil. Good in bog gardens, terrariums or on a windowsill. A pleasant weed.

Utricularia livida is native to subtropical climates of southern Africa and Mexico. Pretty white and lavender flowers appear continuously when it is warm and sunny. Good for windowsill or terrariums.  Not winter hardy, though it can handle light frost.

Utricularia dichotoma is native to South America. Large pale violet flowers for a Utricularia — one inch! Not winter hardy.

Utricularia sandersonii is native to South Africa. Dainty little white flowers look like little bunnies, thus the common name of Rabbit's ears. Good for windowsills and terrariums.  Not winter hardy.

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